福岡大学Fukuoka University Faculty of Science

Nanoscience Institute

Department introduction

Modern industry relies on science and technology to create nanomaterials with powerful new functions by controlling atoms and molecules. This Institute provides a focused course of study on the fundamentals of the field, limited to twenty students. The curriculum combines physics and chemistry, providing students with the ability to perform the full sequence of tasks from nanomaterial synthesis to analysis and evaluation, and is designed to nurture graduates who can put their knowledge to work in new creations, teachers with strong backgrounds in both physics and chemistry, and other specialists in the field.

About Nanoscience Institute

Department Contact

Nanoscience Institute

8-19-1, Nanakuma, Jonan-ku, Fukuoka city
Mail: rigaku2(at)adm.fukuoka-u.ac.jp
( "(at)" -> "@" )
(Faculty of Science Office)