福岡大学Fukuoka University Faculty of Science


 Humans have explored the fundamental principles inherent in complicated nature and have elucidated the the mechanisms that allow complex and plentiful nature to be formed from these principles. Based on this knowledge, we have developed science and technology.  Nature is complex, abundant, and intriguing. ”Science" is a field of research that seeks to answer the innumerable "whys? and to clarify the principles and systems of these systems.

 Faculty of Science in Fukuoka University has four departments and two institutes dealing with the five fields of mathematics, physics,chemistry, biology, and earth science, and conducts education and research in various areas of natural and mathematical sciences. In all of the educational programs, students learn the principles and systems of nature, acquire skills, and develop an attitude toward science through lectures, small-group seminars, experiments, practical training, and exercises in the early grades. The graduation research, which is the culminating experience, is a process in which students develop a proactive understanding of "why" based on their studies through experiments and seminars, and clarify some aspects of the mechanisms of nature.

 Through four years of study and research, our goal is for students to develop their own experience in understanding the "why" of nature and to acquire the ability to elucidate its principles and systems. With this ability, we hope that you will open the way to the future of modern society and humanity.

 Let us study together in the Faculty of Science at Fukuoka University and challenge the mysteries of nature,humanity, and society.


Faculty of Science in Fukuoka University was founded in 1970 with three departments: Applied Mathematics, Applied Physics, and Chemistry, based on the Natural Sciences Department of the erstwhile Faculty of Liberal Arts. In 1998, the Department of Earth System Science, which combines biological science, earth science, and geophysics, was added as the fourth department, and now almost all areas of natural science can be covered by these four departments. The individual research areas tend to be subdivided as the research progresses. On the other hand, in order to solve new problems caused by social demands and academic development, Comprehensive researches beyond individual areas is also required. For that reason, the Faculty of Science not only engages in education and research jointly across departments, but in 2008, established the Social Mathematics Information Technology Institute course that conducts education and research in multiple fields and science and the Nanoscience Institute course to study the phenomena of nanoscale physics from both scientific and chemical aspects.

Faculty of Science

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